How does artwork get into the soup?

Roses with Tacks
Come to the gallery, have a seat in the conversation lounge, and strike up a creative exchange. The conversation may reveal that your work is appropriate to add to our ongoing exhibit. After reviewing your work and going over the participation guidelines, if we all agree that the work fits, it’s a potential go!
Curators Jan Camp and Joell Jones collaborate on the rearrangement of the show to focus on new work. We require a written statement about potential work and its place in the show, and electronic images of the pieces that will be highlighted in the show, before you hang your work.
Oakopolis will provide the physical space; and electronic promotion through its newsletter, online gallery guide listings, and postings on Facebook and Oakland Art Murmur.
Your commitment will include being at the gallery during its open hours, including First Friday, Saturday afternoons, and Third Thursday while your work is the focus of the show. You may arrange to hire Tenaya Gunter Brown to stand in for you, if necessary.
For more information, come to the gallery when it is open on a Saturday afternoon from 1 to 5 and talk to other artists, Jan, or Joell. Check our calendar for the occasional closure.