December 2015 Show

Ongoing painting and photography at Oakopolis Gallery.

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October Arrivals

Suzanne Albertson paints in acrylic on canvas. Vicki Gunter works in clay.

July 11 Opening

After closing for the 4th of July holiday, and to add new work to the Art Soup in the gallery, the spotlight is on Rosy Aronson‘s pen and ink portraits, Wisdom Keeper. When Rosy consciously enters into an intimate, meditative, and intuitive space with paper and...

Balance Point, February 2015

Jeanne Jabbour, Joell Jones, & Marcy Voyevod present a synergy of artwork made in collaboration at Equinox retreats and individually in their own studios. Their paintings become books that take various forms.

Jan Camp on Collecting Art

A collection is held together by the eye of the collector—matching up his or her inner life with external visuals, sometimes with guidance from a trusted art dealer or gallerist.

The Art of Collecting, Jan Camp

Jan Camp presents her art collection to begin an experimental format, as an ongoing art soup with a conversation lounge in the center of the gallery.

663 Days, Marcy Voyevod

663 Days is a concise period of time that ties together this series of ink and gouache paintings.