Ruth Gendler, Monotypes

The people in my art sometimes feel like companions and friends from distant times and places.

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Joell Jones on Art Collaboration

The semi-annual Equinox Art Retreat, in collaboration with Jeanne Jabbour and Marcy Voyevod, is a time for three artists to work together, creating a synergy not present when working alone.

Marcy Voyevod’s Book Art

Joell and Jeanne and I met because of the fire in the Oakland Hills in 1991. We were all raising our young kids in the fire zone. The fire transformed our lives, friendships and art. It was a bond in our friendships that was unlike any other and kept us close. As the...

Jan Camp on Collecting Art

A collection is held together by the eye of the collector—matching up his or her inner life with external visuals, sometimes with guidance from a trusted art dealer or gallerist.